Adding a new dog to your pack

Tips On Adding A New Dog To Your Pack The number one rule to adding a new dog to your pack is to do it gradually. The worst mistake that people make is to just bring the dog into the house. To the dog that is already there this is an intrusion of his/her territory. To...

Leader of the pack

Are You The Leader Of The Pack? Dogs are pack animals, it is so very important that you establish the correct pecking order for your dog. If it is not established early your dog will establish his own pecking order which can cause problems for your family. It is...

Spring plants that can be deadly to your pets

Spring Flowers That Can Be Deadly To Your Pets Make your yard and garden safe for your pets by steering clear of these 5 common spring plants. 1. Tulips and Hyacinths  The bulbs of these two plants are toxic, not the leaves or flowers. Symptoms of poisoning can...

Dangers of kitty litter

Dangers of kitty litter Although clumping kitty litter is a convenience for cat parents, it is very toxic to your kitty. One of the toxic ingredients in kitty litter is Silica. Prolonged exposure to silica dust can cause severe health risks to both animals and humans....

Dangerous Pet Parasites

Dangerous Pet Parasites It is so important for pet parents to educate themselves on dangerous pet parasites. Prevention and treatment are vital for any pet parent. Your veterinarian can answer any questions about prevention and treatment.  In this article we will just...